Famous Castles in Germany

Germany is one of those countries which you can only discover if you spend lots of time exploring its landscape, its culture, its cuisine and its people. There are so many things to be done and seen in this great country that you will need moths or maybe even years to cover all the touristic attractions from Germany. However, there are very few people who can afford the luxury of spending more than a week or two in vacation. If you have only a limited time to see Germany you should definitely make some time in your schedule for its castles. Situated in some of the most beautiful areas in Germany and built with so much style and elegance, these castles will leave you breathless the moment you will see them.

Burg Eltz Castle

Burg Eltz Castle is one of Germany's best preserved castles. Built in the medieval period, the first written attestation of Burg Eltz dates back from 1157 and from then on the only family in whose administration this castle was is the Eltz family. Even nowadays, a third of the castle is not opened to public as it is the residence of the Eltz family. Only two thirds of the castle can be visited, yet they really worth the effort. You will see here wonderful frescoes, old furniture, paintings and art, beautifully decorated rooms in a style that has passed the proof of time.

Schloss Neuschwanstein

Another great and extremely famous castle, even not that old is Schloss Neuschwanstein. This castle's construction began in 1869, under the reign of King Ludwig II. He wanted an elegant, almost extravagant castle which will fully have its signature on it. It is said that there were no less than 14 carpenters who have worked on the king's bedroom and it took them about 4 years and a half to complete it. Unfortunately, many rooms were left unfinished when King Ludwig II was removed from the throne. However, what has been done is a work of art that deserves all our admiration and appreciation.

This castle is not only famous for its great tapestry, its works of art or its design, but also for the fact that it has served as model for the famous Disney castle from Disneyland. Thus, if you want to see the original, you should not miss this castle!

Frankenstein Castle

If you loved the famous story of Frankenstein, then you may also want to see where it all began. The Frankenstein castle, situated in Damstedt not far from Frankfurt, this castle served as inspiration for Mary Shelly's novel. There are all kinds of legends circulating about this castle and it would be quite interesting to hear what things have taken place inside the now ruined castle.

There are plenty other castles which will require your attention while in Germany. Yet, if your time is quite limited, try to see at least these ones. You will definitely return for more whenever you have the chance.

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