Rich history and Culture of Germany

Germany is a beautiful country teeming with a rich history and an even richer culture. Its landscape is filled with a variety of different atmospheres-- it has the charms of sophisticated big cities, the picturesque visage of small towns, the fascinating qualities of pagan-inspired harvest festivals, a vast array of truly interesting art, history and culture, the wild allure of huge tracts of forests, old and elegant castles, and of course, the German food culture of ever-flowing wine and beer.

Located in the very heart of Europe, Germany is known all over the world as its history is deeply ingrained in several nations world wide, not just in modern times (such as the world wars) but on continental history as well. Its wide berth of historical events include the great Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire, the Otto von Bismarck's German Reich, Nazism, the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall, has shaped Europe in a way no other nation has done-- whether for better or worse.

When traveling to Germany, most people make it a point to visit sites that hold much historical value. Germany is a good vacation destination all year round, though it would seem that most tourists tend to visit around the months of May to September, where there is much sun and more activities occuring outdoors. Some also stay til October to experience authentic German Oktoberfest, where every corner offers free-flowing beer up the wazoo. May to October are also the months with the most festivals, which explains why its the time of choice of many tourists. 

The flipside of going to Germany during the summer is really contending with the massive number of other tourists-- meaning larger crowds in attractions, more traffic, and possibilities of running out of accommodations-- though this is very rare. Months after October and before May, while having less tourists, enjoy other benefits, such as lowered accommodation prices, and more consistently pleasant weather.

For fun and excitement, tourists will have plenty to look forward to. There is no closing hours in plenty of Germany's food and drink establishments-- beer gardens and a variety of cafes are open 24/7. Festivals and other outdoor events bring much color to cities and villages, and offer precious sounds, smells and sights to delight even the hardiest of visitors. Athletic tourists will be delighted with the endless opportunities for physical activities-- hiking, swimming, cycling, rappeling, and even extreme sports such as bungee jumping. 

Ofcourse, most outdoor activities rely on weather, so pray that the weather forecast gives good news on the day of your plans. Germany is a place that can't be encapsulated in a series of paragraphs, so it is truly best to grab the chance to experience it in all its finery when the opportunity comes.

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